116 – Pumpkin Totin

Quikwood Basics:

  • Quikwood is a two part resin.  When mixed together you have about 20 minutes of open time before it begins to cure.  It will fully cure in 24 hours.
  • Only cut off as much as you need at a time.
  • Make sure it is thoroughly mixed together (no swirls of color) or it will not cure.
  • Do not wear jewelry especially rings when working with QW.
  • Apply Avon Silicone Glove before starting and as needed when working with the QW.
  • Use DecoArt Extender to blend QW being careful not to use too much or it will make your QW gummy.
  • Before painting wipe surface with baby wipe to remove any oils.
  • To help assure paint adhering to QW use DecoArt Adhesion Medium on first coat of paint.

Video on Quikwood Basics:


Sculpting Instructions:

Getting Started with the Beak:

Roll Styrofoam egg to flatten the one side.  The flat edge will be the top of the bird and the front of the bird will be the pointy end.

Large Bird – Mix 1/2″ of QW and roll in to a cone about 2″ long. Place on top front of the egg to form the beak.  Begin blending the edges of the cone into the Styrofoam, reshape beak if needed.  Since we are going to open beak allow to sit about 10 minutes.

Large Bird Cutting Beak  – Using exacto knife begin cutting beak from tip to back on one side, then repeat on other side.  Use blade of knife to lift the mouth open.  Reshape if needed and allow to cure.

Tip: Sit egg in lid of QW or an egg box to keep it front getting damage until it cures.


Small Bird Beak: Mix 1/4″ of QW and roll in to a cone about 11/4″ long. Follow directions for large bird.

Small Bird Cutting Beak – Using exacto knife begin cutting beak from tip to back on one side, then repeat on other side.  Use blade of knife to lift the mouth open.  Reshape if needed and allow to cure. Use wire tool or piece of wire and press down at back of mouth to create channel for wire or string.

Tip: Sit egg in lid of QW or an egg box to keep it front getting damage until it cures.


Making Tail Feathers:

For the large bird cut 1” of QW and divide into 3.  Lay parchment paper over pattern.  Roll clay into a 3” coil with a point on each end.  Begin pressing and patting to fill in the pattern.  Place a point on the back end of the feather.  Move parchment paper and make next two tail feathers beside the first one. Wrap parchment paper with tail feathers around 8 oz. paint bottle (2” diameter) and secure with rubber band or tape.  Allow to cure.

For the small bird cut ½” of QW and divide into 3 and roll into a 2 ¼” coil.  Continue as with large bird tail feathers.

Making wings:

For the large bird mix up 3/4” of QW and divide into 2.  Divide each piece again into two with one piece being larger than the other.  Take the larger part and roll into a pointy cone the size of the larger part of the wing.  Lay parchment paper over pattern and press clay to fill pattern.  Move parchment paper to the side and roll smaller piece of clay into a pointy cone and press and fill in small feather pattern.  Repeat for second set of wings.  Wait 5 minutes. Following pattern place smaller feather on top of larger feather.  Reverse the pattern for the second wing.  Lay wings on book or box and fold down front of wings. When almost cured pick up wings and give them a little bend. Allow to cure.
For the small bird mix up 3/8” of QW and divide into 2.  Continue as with large wings.


Adding Bird Eyes:

Mix up sliver of QW. The flat side is the top of the bird. Pull off small pieces of clay and press and blend  to the Styrofoam behind the eyes.  Use extender to blend onto existing QW.  Continue adding QW until you have used the entire piece.  Repeat for each bird.
Mix up 1/8” of QW for the eyes.  Pull off 2 equal ½” balls for large bird.

Place balls for eyes above the beak and slightly flatten.  Using tool or pencil press in center of each eye.  Using pointed tool press two small holes above eyes for antennae. Allow to cure.

For the small bird follow directions for large bird using 2 equal ¼” balls for eyes.


Adding Legs:

Large bird – We will use the 6” ¼” dowels for the legs. Decide on placement- they should be centered on the body from front to back and evenly spaced from side to side. They are about an inch apart. Mark on Styrofoam where you want to insert them. You also want to think about the tilt of the bird, is the head looking up, straight or down. On the large bird you will want to make sure they also fit into the holes in the cart. Insert into Styrofoam. Mix ½” QW and divide into 2. Make 1 ½” coil and lay around top of leg. Blend edges of clay into Styrofoam. Pat and shape top of leg. Repeat for other leg. Stand bird in cart and allow to cure.

For tall bird use 7” ¼” dowels for the legs


Small Bird– We will use two 4”length 1/8” dowels for the legs. Decide on placement- they should be centered on the body from front to back and evenly spaced from side to side. Mark on Styrofoam where you want to insert them. They should be about and 1” apart since the bird is free standing this will make him more stable. You also want to think about the tilt of the bird, is the head looking up, straight or down. Since the bird is walking you will want the head slightly up, one leg going back and the other forward and both legs out slightly. Insert legs into Styrofoam. Mix 1/4” QW and divide into 2. Make 1” coil and lay around top of leg. Blend edges of clay into Styrofoam. Pat and shape top of leg. Repeat for other leg. Keep checking them to make sure that they are staying the way you want them until they are cured.


Attaching Tail:

To add the tail to the large bird mix 1/2″ of QW.  Roll in a ball and position at the back of the bird.  Blend edges onto the bird.  Add the middle tail feather and place in center. Blend QW onto top and bottom of feather.  Then add next feathers to each side and a little lower than center feather. Push clay against feathers. The middle feather should be higher than the side feathers. Make any final adjustments. When satisfied with shape of tail, shape the QW the feathers are inserted in, and blend out if needed. Stand bird face down in a cup to keep the tail upright. Allow to cure.

For the small bird use 1/4” of QW. Follow directions for the large bird.


Adding Wings:

Mix up 1/8” of QW and divide into 2.  Pull off small pieces of clay and press and blend the clay behind the wings on each side of the bird.

For the large bird mix up ¼” of QW and divide in 2. Roll into two balls and place on each side where you want the wings. They are a little below the eyes and back from the beak. Blend edges of each ball. Place wings on each ball. The small wing should be on the top. Blend clay to the back of the wing. Position wings the way you want them and blend any excess clay in front of wings out onto the bird. Allow to cure.

For the small bird mix up 1/8” of QW and blend behind wings. Then mix 1/8” of QW to attach wings and follow directions for large bird.


Making Pumpkins:

Pumpkin leaf –   For regular leaf mixes a sliver of QW and roll into a cone. Lay on parchment paper and flatten.  Cut piece of wire about 3” – 4” and lay in center of leaf. Allow to cure about 10 minutes then pick up and bend wire. If needed you can add a little extra clay to wire and blend.

Hand leaf – Mix ¼” of QW and flatten with fingers. Cut out larger leaf using medium hand cutter, then reroll excess and cut small leaf using small hand cutter. Cut a piece of wire about 3” – 4” long. Flip leaf over and lay end of wire on center of back of leaf.  Pinch back of leaf to a point. Allow to sit 5 minutes. Lay small piece of excess clay on top of wire and blend into place. Allow to sit 5 more minutes then pick up and shape a little by ruffling edges a little and bending wire.


Round Pumpkin – Using magic marker draw line on Styrofoam ball to divide in half. Then divide each section in half again. Divide each of those sections in half. You should now have 8 equal sections.

Using sculpting tool that looks like a knife, cut section starting at top and going to bottom about 3/16”.   Then start at top and insert tool in indent, press to the right and flatten and then to the left and flatten Styrofoam. Continue to bottom. Repeat for each section. Press down on pumpkin against hard surface to flatten bottom.

For stem of pumpkin cut cinnamon stick to about 1 ½” long.   You could also use a dowel, nail, golf tee extra. Insert in top of pumpkin and remove.

Mix 1” of QW and divide into 4. Roll one piece into a coil about 2” long, then roll each end into a point. You coil should now be about 3” long. Lay into center of one section. Flatten clay using hand and press edges into indent. Repeat for other pieces of clay. If needed use tool in indent to give it more definition. Mix another 1” of QW and divide in 4. Repeat for remaining sections. Reshape any areas if needed. Insert stem and leaf. Allow to cure.


Tall Pumpkin – For tall pumpkin use 2 ½” egg and divide into eight like you did for the round pumpkin. Press bottom to flatten and insert cinnamon stick in top and remove. Mix 1” of QW and divide into 4. Roll a piece into cone about 2” long, then roll each end into a point. Lay into center of a section with the fatten end to the bottom. Continue as you did for the round pumpkin.


Attaching Pumpkin to Large Bird:

Mix 1/8” QW and roll into a coil about 3” long. Lay in circle on bottom of pumpkin. Blend outside edges of coil to pumpkin. Position pumpkin on bird and press into place. Blend other edge of coil onto bird with fingers. If this is too tight use old brush with extender and blend. Allow to cure.


Adding Star Feet:

Large Bird – Mix up ½” of QW and pinch between fingers to flatten. Then lay on parchment paper and flatten with the palm of your hand. Using large star clay cutter cut one large stars, reroll excess, press and flatten and cut second star. Use excess clay to cover any areas on bird that are still Styrofoam. After attaching feet mix up more clay if needed and finish covering Styrofoam.

Three of the points will be the toes of the bird. While on parchment paper pinch three points and pull two towards center. Pick up and lay on front of foot. Wrap other two points around the back and blend them up the leg. Reposition toes if needed.



Small bird – Stand bird on piece of parchment paper and mark end of dowels on paper with a pencil. Mix ¼” of QW and divide into 2. Roll each piece into a ball and place on mark on parchment paper. Stand bird in center of clay. Blend clay up onto dowel of each leg. Push clay to front in direction you want foot to go. Use something to keep him standing and let clay cure.

Mix ½” of QW pinch and press between fingers to flatten and then lay on parchment paper. Press with hand to smooth out and then cut large star. Remove excess clay and repeat to cut second star.

If your bird is not standing pull off ball of clay and add to back of heel and blend into place.

The three front points of the star are going to be the foot. Begin pull the points to each of the center point to the front and shape on both feet. Wait about 5 minutes before continuing.

Lift feet and place three points in front, wrap the other two points around the ankle and then blend up leg and over foot. Repeat for second foot. Keep shaping until you are happy with the feet. Allow to cure.

If you bird is still not standing mix up some clay and position on foot where needed, blend onto foot. Allow to cure.


Pull for large cart:

Cut ¼” of QW and let sit for 5 minutes, then roll into a ball. Cut piece of wire about 3” long, wrap around round nose pliers to make small loop, then twist ends together and trim to desired length. Insert pointy tool to make hole in ball (bead), then insert hook. Reshape if needed.   Allow to cure.

Place bead on end of twine. Drill small hole in front of cart to insert another hook into cart to attach other end of twine.


Making sunflower wheels for cart:

Mix ¼” of QW and divide into 10. Use Sculpey flower and leave mold to make petals. We are going to use the larges smooth petal next to the large ridged petal. Spray mold lightly with cooking oil and push piece of clay into mold, remove and repeat. Re-spray mold as needed. If you do not have the mold you can roll each piece into a cone about ½” – ¾” , lay on parchment paper and gently pat. Repeat for second wheel. Allow to cure.

For center of wheel mix up ½” of QW and divide into 2, then roll each piece into a ball. Lay parchment paper over pattern. Lay ball into center and gently flatten. Insert petal into each side of center. Then insert petal to outside edge of center mark, then insert petal between that petal and the side petal. Make sure petals are evenly aligned. Press clay gently against petals to secure. Press finger into center to make indent. Push petals back into place if needed. Repeat for second wheel. Allow to cure.


Finishing small carts:

Sunflower wheeled cart -Insert 13/4” length of 1/8” dowel into front of cart. Mix up a sliver of QW and pull off a ¼” ball. Using pointy tool or pencil put small whole in ball of clay. Put drop of Super Glue Gel in whole and place on top of dowel. Reshape if needed.   Place small indent in top using tool. Allow to cure

Mix up sliver of QW and pinch and press to flatten. Use largest Kemper flower tool and cut out flower. Use pointy tool and place hole in center of flower. Slide on dowel from bottom and push against center. Use blade or knife and cut between petals to center of flower. Pull off small piece of clay and roll into a coil about ½” long and wrap around dowel under flower. Blend in place. Shape petals as desired and allow to cure.

Wheeled cart -Insert 11/2” length of 1/8” dowel into front of cart. Mix up a sliver of QW and pull off a ¼” ball. Using pointy tool or pencil put small whole in ball of clay. Put drop of Super Glue Gel in whole and place on top of dowel. Reshape if needed.